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Join us today with your support of the purchase of a brick for the ENCORE! Make Our Garden Grow! project to celebrate the Weathervane Theatre and the Weathervane Theatre Alumni Association.


We invite you all to join us in the construction and celebration of a space at the theatre that the entire community will utilize in our new campaign: ENCORE! Make Our Garden Grow!  Community, after all, is the lifeblood of the theatre.  Just imagine our community -- actors, audience, interns, technicians, and volunteers-- all coming together to build this celebration space and to honor the magic that is only created in live theatre.

The ENCORE! project will provide the welcome area to the theatre’s new South Lobby through a design of brick walkways, benches and landscaping.  It will be a place for all to gather while waiting for the start of the show, to peruse the concessions cart during intermission and for cast and audience to mingle following the show.  Please see the project design plans brought to life by Gibbs through his wonderful sketch as the background for this page.


We can all be part of this incredible project.   Your gift of support will move the ENCORE! plan into action.  To incorporate alumni names into the celebration walk, the design has engraved bricks that will include your name and year(s) at the theatre.  You can also buy a brick in honor or in memory of someone.  There is no limit to the number of bricks you can get to support the project.



A range of named gift opportunities are outlined for your support:


To purchase a brick, click here 

Engraved 4x 8 Brick: $50

Engraved 8 x 8 inch Brick: $125


For additional naming opportunities, send and email by clicking here.

Trees: $500

Bench: $1500

Lamppost: $2000


For questions or additional information, please contact us via email.  


Together we can realize this wonderful celebration project. Like every wonderful production, we need everyone’s involvement to make the show a success.  Thank you in advance for your support to ENCORE!

Make Our Garden Grow campaign.


Thank you for your continued support to the Weathervane Theatre Alumni Association and the exciting ENCORE! Make Our Garden Grow!  project.

Weathervane Theatre Alumni Association, Inc.

P.O. Box 333

New Castle, New Hampshire 03854

© 2017 Chip's Web Design

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