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The Weathervane Theatre Alumni Association is dedicated to enlarging creative and financial support for the Weathervane Theatre by maintaining a network of former staff and company members of the theatre, by fostering greater awareness of the theatre, and by establishing and maintaining a fund of contributions from alumni and other supporters to be used to further the goals and purposes of the theatre.



To That End, We Have...

• Created a database from over 57 seasons of former staff and company members
• Created an Alumni newsletter which keeps everyone in touch and reconnects them with the Weathervane Theatre
• Archived Weathervane production photographs and created a duplicate electronic archive
• Produced 19 annual benefit shows written, directed, acted and designed entirely by former and current company members
• Purchased the historic 1894 Mount Washington Grange Hall and begun renovations to the 5,400sf building for use by the theatre as a rehearsal, storage and office facility.
• Created a Weathervane Theatre Alumni Association website
• Produced several WVAA events in New York City to keep alumni connected and to help enlarge support for the theatre
•Built a beautiful courtyard at the theatre to welcome theatre guests


We are very proud of everything we’ve accomplished, but we have much more to do...



The Weathervane Theatre Alumni Association is incorporated as a not-for-profit New York corporation qualified to do business in the state of New Hampshire, and is exempt from taxation under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. The Association operates under its own set of ByLaws, separate from those of The Weathervane Theatre Players, Inc., which is incorporated in the state of New Hampshire.

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